Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Fitness Tips when Breastfeeding

Each time I've entered back into the fitness world post-baby, I've received all kinds of "advice" for post-baby exercise.  Here are a few favorites: 

"Stop exercising! Your milk is going to taste sour!" 

"Don't exercise!  Instead, let your body rest and heal."  

"All you should do is rest and let your body heal."

"Eat as many calories as you want, and don't exercise! You're feeding for two!"

I could go on, but I won't.  And I won't go into detail as to why those are all myths.  You know how to operate google.  Instead, I'll share 5 things I've found helpful after the doctor has given the "all clear" to exercise.

5 Fitness Tips when Breastfeeding

1.  Listen to your body.  Those first few weeks my body is HANGRY. Like I could eat the whole kitchen.  But, as my milk balances out (around 6 weeks) so should my nutrition.  I've had the best success by eating 5-6 meals per day.  Adding in LEAN PROTEINS and veggies to those meals.  And by being a bit more mindful (and slowing down a bit!).  While I don't count calories, the general recommendation is an increase of 500 when breastfeeding.

2.  Hydrate.  With WATER.  Aim to drink half your body weight.  Breast milk is a fluid - and to make it, your body needs water.  Lots of water.

3.  Begin at the beginning and then build.  That means your present body - not the one that you lived in a year or ten years ago.  The best exercise, no matter your fitness level, is one that makes you feel stronger, more confident and better overall.  Sharp pinches, pressures or pain?  That's your body telling you to back off.  Low impact might just feel better.    And that's okay.  No matter what strength your body had previously, the current core muscles (encompassing both the abdominals and the back) have been stretched and strained.  Allow them to work back into proper form.  Then build from there.

4.  Support.  A good sports bra is important.  The girls are heavier - give them support they need.

5.  Breastfeed (or pump) before exercising.  I've found workouts (whether low or high impact) to be much more comfortable when the girls aren't filled to the brim.

Why exercise?

With each new baby, I've felt fatigue like nothing else.  Can't even put it into decent words.  But for me, it comes down to Newton:

"An object at rest will stay at rest.  An object in motion will stay in motion."

Sit, and you'll want to sit more.  Move and you'll want to move more.  Will a mom still be tired?  You betcha.  But those babies don't stay small forever.  Your body (and mind) will thank you.  Keep at it.  


Monday, January 19, 2015

Tilapia Fish Taco

Feeding tilapia to my kids creates a bit of a mixed result.  My oldest (who eats about anything) has no problem downing a fillet, but the younger ones will poke and prod to no end.

Unless it's in a taco.

Below is my favorite fish taco recipe.  We seem to always use the grill for this one, and although it's winter, it feels warm enough to roll that grill out.

My favorite (and the easiest) way to make this is with this:

BUT, I actually haven't seen it the past few trips to Costco.  I have no doubt it will return (fingers crossed)!

A marinade I've used that we all like is below (and I have no idea where I pulled it from originally!):

1 T dried parsley
1 T dried oregano
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 T lemon juice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
dash red pepper flakes (to taste)

Marinate for about 30 minutes, then grill about 3-5 minutes on each side.


1/4 c plain greek yogurt
1 T lime juice
handful chopped cilantro
1/8 tsp. cumin
1 T water
Blend together.

Great on corn tortillas, with avocado, fresh salsa and some green cabbage!

When feeding this to the kids (depending on which kid!), I'll even add a few black beans (or a thin layer of refried beans) onto the tortilla with the shredded tilapia.  They love the combo!

Friday, January 16, 2015

PiYo Recap

What did PiYo feel like for me?  What were the 60 days like?  Here's my recap!  

I was 10 weeks postpartum with my fourth baby.
I was NOT consistent with any type of exercise.  Although I kept telling myself that unpacking boxes and being a mom was enough (we had recently moved).
I was really, really TIRED.  Not the "let's kick the soccer ball around mom" but the "I'll sit here and watch you" mom.
I DIDN'T fit any clothes I used to wear.
My joints HURT.
My back ACHED.  
No time.  No time.  NO time.

WHAT IS PiYo?  Think functional flexibility + low impact high intensity exercise + strength building using your own body weight.  60 day program.  8 different workouts.  Only equipment needed is a mat!

I was surprised that I could feel as much intensity as I did in a short amount of time.  
The movement felt continuous.  
First day I did the SWEAT workout - I fell all over the place!  Wow!  Kinda felt frustrated because I really couldn't balance, but finished the workout anyway.
Wrists are sore!

I like repeating some of the workouts.  Getting more familiar with the movements.
Hips are actually less sore during the day (first time in AGES!).
Getting muscle soreness - in a good way!
Wrists are still sore, but I am going to take Chalene's advice and keep going.  I believe in wrist flexibility, but I am just not there yet.  I am going to take breaks when I need them, and then get back into the workout.
My back does not ache as much as it did before doing this.

Familiar enough with the workouts that I feel more confident in my movement.
Hey!  I can balance a little better!
My buns are sore!
Able to push myself harder now that I am feeling more confident.
Seriously surprised (still) that I'm getting so sweaty and not doing high impact!

What?!  This just got tougher!  DRENCH is named that for a reason!  
So glad I am following the progression of the program.  Had I jumped ahead, I would have missed out on building that base!
Back to falling a bit, but now I know I am going to get better.
Wrist soreness?  WHAT wrist soreness?  Bring on the pushups!
I think I convinced hubby to do PiYo too!

I look forward to them every single day.
I feel so good. 
I feel stronger and happier.  Noticing some muscle tone in the arms, legs and core that wasn't there before!
LOVE the low-impact, high-intensity of the workouts!
BEST NEWS:  Hubby started PiYo!  He is beginning on day 1!

I am hooked.
Familiar with the flow and it is fun to MOVE.
I love being done in 30 minutes!
I can notice the difference in how my clothes feel.
Hubby is in week two and has sore wrists.  I'm happy to announce that will pass with consistency.

I don't need to convince myself to push play because I know I am going to love the way I feel!
I love the mix of workouts.  More confident?  Um, yes!

What?! Where has the time gone?
Excited to push my hardest in the workouts.
Excited to finish what I started.

This was a game changer.  Seriously happily surprised at the results from about :30 minutes a day and focusing on good nutrition!  Back pain is completely gone.   Not only do I feel my core muscles again, but they feel strong!  The achy joints I had before PiYo is completely gone.  I can feel definition in my arms, shoulders, back, core and legs.  Feel so motivated to continue exercising!  I feel myself standing taller throughout my entire day.  I am so much happier, aware of my emotions, and stronger overall!

I did the 60 day program 100%!
I ate real, whole foods (and yes, I had cheat meals).
I drank Shakeology every day as a dense dose of nutrition.
I lost 5 lbs. and 8" off my body.
The results on the INSIDE are probably the BIGGEST difference - and those aren't shown in a photo.  STRONGER, more CONFIDENT, HAPPIER, and much more ENERGIZED to play WITH my kids, not just be around my kids!

Want to know if PiYo is a fit for you? This is a GREAT option for someone looking to A) Build a SOLID Foundation AND B) Someone who is physically fit, maybe does a lot of high impact (HELLO RUNNERS!) but needs something to BALANCE them out - muscle lengthening and doesn't have a lot of time for it.  CONTACT ME and we'll chat! ORDER through me and you'll get one extra PiYo workout.  I'd love to be your coach (virtually!).  YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!